FAM's web site module offers you a hassle free integrated solution for selling to your customers on-line. Shared stock information between all the areas of your business gives you greater control of your availability. 24/7 access to the web site for your customers lets them place orders when they want to.
Contact us for a free, no obligation demo. (01953) 851225 info@redrosesoftware.co.uk
Increasingly so, apparel business are operating through multiple selling channels providing products to their wholesale customers and selling direct through e-commerce as well as operating retail stores and concessions.
If you operate separate systems to manage the different areas of the business this becomes a very labour intensive task managing product codes, stocks and prices. With the seasonal nature of the fashion industry this problem is compounded with the volume of products and colour ways being offered.
FAM's trade web site accesses the information contained in FAM's database so the information is live and no duplication of data entry is required.
There are two elements to the trade web site, wholesale and e-commerce. Existing wholesale customers can login to the trade web site and place orders, track existing orders and browse the styles you offer by category, season, brand etc etc. The e-commerce element allows your existing web site to access the information held in FAM so product and stock availability can be accessed. Orders can then be pushed into FAM so there is no re-keying to do.
The wholesale web site is multi language so the user can choose which language they want to view the site in and the site can be customised to suit your brand image.
If your business is involved in supplying uniforms and corporate clothing to clients, the web site has the ability to allow different levels of access for different users and the garments available for groups of employees can be restricted along with budgetry constraints.